Near Bariloche, Argentina is the scenic Circuito Chico, or Small Circuit, a pleasant, hilly path perfect to navigate on a bike for an afternoon, which is exactly what we did. Here are some of the views and landscapes that this beautiful region of Patagonia offers.

Our first glimpse of the mountains on our path

The lakes here have some of the bluest water I’ve ever seen

This is where we stopped and ate lunch. Not a bad spot.

Here’s me sporting a sexy safety vest

Luckily, the weather we had was perfect; the next day it was pouring down rain.

The water, mountains, and sky together make for some amazing landscapes

There’s even a brewery right on the route, which we happily patronized. Possibly the only company whose label honestly represents its location.

The golf course here has a pretty spectacular view

The famous Llao Llao hotel, a five-star resort that I will never be able to afford

Probably one of the most beautiful places we’ve ever visited. Biking along the circuit is a great way to appreciate some of these panoramic views near Bariloche.